Preparing Your Knees for Workouts: How to Prevent Knee Injuries

Eric McPherson • Jun 17, 2022

How to Prevent Knee Injuries

Whether you’re a runner, cyclist, or weight-lifter, your knees are essential for any kind of workout. But without proper preparation and care, you can easily suffer from knee injuries that can set your progress back. To help you stay injury-free and reach your fitness goals faster, let’s look at what causes knee injuries and how you can prevent them in the first place.

What Causes Knee Injuries?

Your knees take a lot of stress during any kind of physical activity. Over time, this stress wears down the joints and tendons in the knees, which can cause pain or even lead to long-term damage if not taken seriously. However, some activities put more stress on your knees than others—such as running downhill or playing sports that require quick stops and starts like basketball or soccer.

So before engaging in any type of activity or workout routine, it’s important to properly warm up those muscles around your knees—just like with any other part of your body! Doing a few minutes of light stretching before diving into anything strenuous will help reduce the risk of injury by increasing blood flow to those muscles and tendons in the surrounding area.

Ways to Strengthen Your Knees

Along with warming up those muscles around your knees, there are also exercises specifically designed to strengthen them over time. While these exercises won’t necessarily prevent injuries completely, they will help build up stability and flexibility around the joint that can better prepare it for more intense activities such as running or squatting. Some common exercises include leg lifts (both lying down and standing), calf raises (single-leg or double-leg), squats (with or without weights), wall sits/squats (balancing against a wall while performing squats), and step-ups (using a bench or step). By doing these exercises consistently over time, you’ll start to notice an increase in strength and stability around your knees—which will make them much less vulnerable to injury during workouts!

Take Care

Taking care of your knees is essential if you want to stay injury-free while reaching your fitness goals. A proper warmup is key for reducing stress on those joints during strenuous activities; however, doing regular exercises that focus on strengthening the muscles around the knee can also provide greater protection from potential injuries down the line. With just a few minutes dedicated each day towards preparing those muscles beforehand and strengthening them over time afterwards, you'll be able to maximize your progress safely!

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